Castlehold Baptist Church

Our teams

Be part of a caring, serving community on the lsle of Wight!

Integral to our faith is the understanding that we are called to serve. Much church activity depends on teams of volunteers. Some are front-of-house; others work behind the scenes. All are equally valued. Each of us has talents and skills – though we don’t always recognise them until we try something new. Volunteering for a team can bring unexpected blessings. If you already attend Castlehold and have a little spare time, would you consider joining one of the teams below? To find out more – contact us.

Our teams – all of them friendly and welcoming!

Worship planning

A key part of our worship on Sunday mornings, this team also holds a mid-week, evening practice session.

Pastoral care

Behind-the-scenes care and prayer for church folk going through tough times. This team has been particularly active throughout the pandemic.

Outreach planning

To develop mission in the local area, often working in partnership with local churches, and supporting overseas agencies such as OPERATION MOBILISATION and HELPING HAND CAMBODIA.

Stewards and refreshments

To greet visitors and Sunday regulars alike with a friendly face at the main church entrance and to ensure that everyone finds a suitable seat. Also to prepare and serve refreshments after the service.

Tech (sound and visuals)

A key team that ensures the technical side of our Sunday service runs smoothly.


Keeping our website up-to-date and relevant.